
Dear Countryside Community,


A more robust, interactive, online community is not an end in itself, but rather is a means to extending the influence of the CDS community that already exists. And it’s pretty easy to cultivate.

Posts on Events

When we post a review of a key event at CDS, families who attended can post comments on their most-meaningful take-aways from the event, creating a powerful reinforcement for the CDS community to retain and implement whatever was helpful.

Posts on Insights

We post articles to equip parents with helpful content on child development, parenting, or Montessori in the home. Your added comments or questions on these posts benefit the whole community and create a context in which more relevant and meaningful articles can be written in the future.

Posts on Anecdotes

Occasionally, we’ll post a story about parenting or education will be posted–just because. In turn, you are invited to comment–just because. These articles are a way for CDS community members to share the day-to-day moments that inspire the rest of us to press on.

How to Comment on Countryside’s Blog

As you know, launch of Countryside’s new blog offers some new benefits to the community, and the ability to post comments on articles might be one of the most important.

Hover your mouse over the photos and find out how:

First, click inside of the comment box.
First, click inside of the comment box.You’ll find it at the bottom of blog posts.
Click on your social icon, and you're ready!
Click on your social icon, and you’re ready!If you’re already logged into your Facebook, Twitter, or Gmail, you’re ready to go!
Or just enter your name & email.
Or just enter your name & email.